Laureline Josset
Laureline Josset is an Associate Research Scientist at the Columbia Water Center, where she works on the evaluation of water stresses through integrated assessments, the optimization of management strategy for water quantity and quality, and the transitions in the Food-Energy-Water nexus. Collaborating with actors from the government of New York State (NYSERDA) and the civil society (The Nature Conservancy), Laureline focuses on the quantification of risks due to uncertain climate and data to inform decisions. Before joining Columbia, she obtained a bachelor and master degree in Physics at the EPFL (CH) and a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences at the University of Lausanne (CH). Laureline teaches for the Sustainable Management program classes on water system analysis and groundwater management with a particular emphasis on conceptual modeling and system thinking.
Research Areas: Water management optimization, conjunctive use of surface and groundwater and integrated modeling.