Bihu Suchetana


Bihu Suchetana is a Visiting Associate Research Scientist at the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University and an Assistant Professor (on sabbatical) at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. She holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder, a Master’s in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology, Shibpur, India. Her research explores the use of machine learning algorithms and optimization tools to understand decentralized treatment systems and their environmental impacts. She also has experience modelling wastewater treatment plant behaviour under changing regulatory and climatic regimes.


Key publications:

1. Investigating regime shifts and the factors controlling Total Inorganic Nitrogen concentrations in treated wastewater using non-homogeneous Hidden Markov and multinomial logistic regression models

2. Assessment of wastewater treatment facility compliance with decreasing ammonia discharge limits using a regression tree model